The Private Business Commission was launched to investigate why some companies appear to struggle to maximise their growth potential within the UK, and to advocate for policies to better incentivise and enable them to do so.

The Commission is chaired by Steve Rigby, Co-CEO of Rigby Group, one of Europe’s largest technology businesses and investors, and supported by The Entrepreneurs Network alongside ten expert Commissioners from the worlds of business, finance, and politics.

The Commission focuses on four policy areas critical to ensuring we have an environment in which large private companies can thrive:

  • Access to funding: Access to capital is crucial for businesses looking to scale. The Commission will investigate the current state of the funding ecosystem in the UK, including venture capital availability, government grants, and loan schemes. It will look into barriers to funding and propose reforms to improve the funding landscape.

  • Tax incentives: High tax rates, complex tax regulations, and lack of sufficient incentives are deterring businesses from scaling up within the UK. The Commission will explore how the current tax regime can be reformed or improved to make the UK more attractive for businesses aiming for growth.

  • The functioning of capital markets: The ability to raise capital through public markets is a vital aspect of a business’ growth journey. The Commission will examine the efficiency and accessibility of the UK’s capital markets and their attractiveness compared to other countries. This will involve looking into regulations surrounding initial public offerings (IPOs), the liquidity of the markets, and the institutional investor landscape.

  • Employee incentives: A skilled and motivated workforce is essential for a business to grow and thrive. The Commission will consider how employee incentive schemes can be optimised to attract and retain the best talent. This might include tax-advantaged share options, profit-sharing schemes, or other benefits that align the interests of employees with the long-term success of the business.

Call for Evidence

To help inform the Private Business Commission, we opened a Call for Evidence. Click below to learn more and submit evidence.



To learn more about the Private Business Commission, please contact us by emailing