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Stepping-up to the Challenges and Opportunities for Business

  • FTI Consulting 200 Aldersgate, London EC1A 4HD (map)

This dinner will be an opportunity to share insights and learn from your peers, as well as feed into the work of The Entrepreneurs Network and the Step-Up Coalition.

Over the next 12 months we hold four private dinners with leading figures of British politics, business and society. These are aimed at entrepreneurs who already advise The Entrepreneurs Network, or those we would like to get more involved in our work. We aim for around 20 attendees.

The Step-Up Coalition

FTI Consulting has undertaken research with over 2,000 decision-makers at large businesses across the G20 as well as with smaller private companies with fewer than 500 employees. It found that the latter group was less likely to have strong relationships with the media, regulators and wider industry, while also expecting increased scrutiny and greater exposure to risk – both financial and technological. Full details of the research can be found here.  

With Covid-19 restrictions eased, this event is aimed at re-engaging a network of like-minded individuals keen to work in partnership to address this disparity and identify common areas for collaboration and call-to-action in 2022.

This event is for our Patrons & Advisers.