The Entrepreneurs Network’s report on the Untapped Unicorns – the underfunded female entrepreneurs – has received widespread media coverage.
In summary the report showed that there is an evident gender bias against female entrepreneurs receiving funding from capital providers; despite the fact that female-led businesses are less likely to fail. The Entrepreneurs Network’s Annabel Denham comments that this data is frustrating and recommends a change in education, culture and data collecting to combat the evident bias.
Sexism in start-up investment leaves UK businesses male-dominated, The Telegraph
We need to stop sexism in start-up investment, The Guardian
Eight Stats That Show How Britain Fails Its Female Entrepreneurs, Forbes
Unitapped unicorns: It’s time to close the scale-up investment gender gap, City AM
Pelvic floor exercise device maker Elvie receives £6m funding to launch more products, The Telegraph
Mind the funding-gap: Why we need more female founded scale-ups, Forbes
Greater efforts required to fund female-led firms, The Scotsman
The Big Interview: Jackie Waring, founder and chief of Investing Women, The Scotsman
How to tap into government funding for female entrepreneurs,
Call to ‘untap funding’ for female entrepreneurs,
Female entrepreneurs need more access to funding, according to report,
Lack of investment opportunities sees female startup founders lose out,
How Britain can drive the growth of female entrepreneurship,
Untapped Unicorns: scaling up female entrepreneurship, Barclays
Untapped unicorns in North East England (and how we are helping Shorthand Social
Investment culture remains very much male-dominated The National
Plugging the Gender Funding Gap, The Huffington Post