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Ministerial Supper with Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP

  • London Stock Exchange 10 Paternoster Square EC4M 7LS (map)

A Conservative View of Entrepreneurship

Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP

Amber Rudd is the Home Secretary, MP for Hastings and Rye. She has previously served as Energy and Climate Change Secretary. She is also vice-chairman of the parliamentary committee on female genital mutilation, chairperson of the all-party parliamentary group for sex equality and has campaigned to see more women in Cabinet positions. Before entering politics, she founded a recruitment business, and worked in investment banking in London and New York.

The Entrepreneurs Network

The Entrepreneurs Network is a think tank for the ambitious owners of Britain’s fastest growing businesses and aspirational entrepreneurs. Through research, events and the media, we bridge the gap between entrepreneurs and policymakers to help make Britain the best place in the world to start and grow a business. We are the Secretariat of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Entrepreneurship.

London Stock Exchange Group

London Stock Exchange Group is an international markets infrastructure business. It supports entrepreneurs in a number of ways:

  • Through London Stock Exchange’s ELITE programme SMEs are supported in their expansion plans and are connected with the capital providers they need to grow. 

  • 1000 Companies to Inspire Britain reports that are published annually put a spotlight on some of today’s most exciting talent and brings together a community of leaders who are focused on scaling their organisations.

  • Finally, equity public markets like AIM and the Main Market help companies access a large pool of long-term patient capital.